"Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit"

Click a name to view the Experts profile. Click a topic for a catalogue of experts in the selected field.

Ester Barinaga

Community Currencies, Community-based Arts and Social Change, Microfinance in Scandinavia, Social Entrepreneurship, Territorial Stigmatization

Claudia Eger

Corporate Philanthropy, Gender, Sustainability, Tourism, Tourism Development

Liv Egholm

Civic Action, Civil Society, Foundations & Foundation-owned Business, Foundations Role in Systemic Transformations, Leadership and Collaboration in (Cross-sectoral) Alliances, Philanthropy and Gift-giving, Temporality and Societal Problem-solving Processes, Temporality in and of Grand Challenges/Wicked Problems, The History of Foundations in Denmark

Adam Frost

Black Markets and Informal Economies, Chinese Business History, Chinese Entreprenuership, Emerging Markets

Marta Gasparin

Circular Economy, Climate Crisis, Craft and Alternative Forms of Organizing

Daniel Hjorth

Art and Business, Business Incubation, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Management Philosophy, Organisational Creativity, Process Philosophy

Christian Garmann Johnsen

Creativity and Innovation Management, Organization Studies, Organizational Philosophy, Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Anders La Cour

Civil Society Policies, Management of Volunteers, Partnerships between Public and Voluntary Organisations, Technologies of Welfare.

Joachim Lund

Business History, Economic Crises in History, Economic Theory, German Occupation Policy, Germany during Nazism and War, History of Political Ideas, Holocaust, Political and Economic History, War and Society

Sara Louise Muhr

Diversity, Human Resource Management (HRM), Identity, Inclusion, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work-life Balance

Lena Olaison

Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Education, Organisational Philosophy, Qualitative Methodology, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship

Michael Pedersen

Four-day Workweek, Habit and Change,, Management of Self-management, Self-management, Stress-management

Pernille Steen Pedersen

Leadership, Stress and Shame, Stress-management

Andrew Popp

Business History, Business and Emotions, Entrepreneurship, Family Business, Social and Cultural History

Léna Prouchet

Global Humanitarian Development, Indigenous Peoples, Latin America, Necessity Entrepreneurship, Non-governmental Organisations (NGO), Social Entrepreneurship

Louise Karlskov Skyggebjerg

History of Danish Industry, History of Savings Banks and Savings Bank Foundations, History of Technology

Sverre Spoelstra

Academic Work, Organizational Play and Gamification, Philosophy of Leadership

Bent Meier Sørensen

Aesthetics and Organization, Art and Business,, Digital Transformations, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Organization Theory, Organizational Philosophy, Philosophy, Tech Monopolies, Technology, Theology and Management

Florence Villesèche

Diversity, Elites, Gender, Identity, Leadership, Networks, Teams

Birgitte Wraae

Designing Entrepreneurial Learning Spaces, Developing Sustainable Initiatives through Entrepreneurship and Personal Leadership, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Entrepreneurial Learning, Entrepreneurship - Starting up a Business, The Dark Sides of Entrepreneurship Education, The Role of the Entrepreneurship Educator, The Role of the Entrepreneurship Students